ISA Netherlands Section organizes Theme Event Intelligent Device Management (ISA108)

On November 19th, the ISA Netherlands Section organized the theme event “Intelligent Device Management (ISA108)” at The Hague University in Delft, The Netherlands. The event that was opened by Marcel Jutte, President of ISA Netherlands Section, who welcomed the audience and presented the ISA organization as well as membership and sponsor benefits. The next speaker, Sjaak van Peski of The Hague University, talked about the institute and explained the changes in the ICT education program. Then, Rob Sosef from Emerson addressed the significance of Intelligent Device Management, Big Data and the Internet of Things, in relation to predictive maintenance. The ISA108 standard and its usability was explained and there was attention for how the multitude of data and diagnostics of current intelligent field instrumentation can be used to optimize the maintenance process.

The theme event engaged a large amount of current as well as potential new ISA members, that were eager to learn more about the ISA108 and discuss the subject with their industry peer members. Several students of The Hague University were present as well and got introduced to ISA and given the opportunity to become an ISA Student member.

The theme event finished with a networking reception where all participants could further discuss the highlighted subjects with the speakers and each other. The event was sponsored by The Hague University and Emerson. ISA Netherlands Section and the sponsors all look back at a successful theme event and looks forward to organizing the next opportunity to engage with existing and new members.

An impression of the event:

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The event was sponsored by:

emerson The Hague University